TIGNL Services

Technology Investment Group

Cross border services

1. Developing innovative products and services

To be and to stay market leader it is necessary to react rapidly to the demand of a global group customers. TIGNL enlarged the innovation capacity of partners which are cooperating together in strategic value chains. A large innovation capacity means the capacity of the value chain of developing innovative products which satisfies subjected demands. Acceleration of the investment decision in strategic industrial chains asks for new manners of cooperation between well considered chosen industrial partners and institutions. Subjected new manners of cooperation is the field of expertise of TIG.

Transparent project plans
The main deliverable of the TIGNL services are transparent project plans to translate new business ideas to profitable products and/or services included the budget and finance plans.

Pre-project and project stages of innovation projects
In the pre-project stages of innovation projects TIGNL takes care of developing project plans based on business cases and formatting dedicated consortia of high-tech enterprises and knowledge institutes who are able to contribute to the project goals. During the executing of innovation projects TIG takes care of the project management and coaches the project consortium members.

2. Knowledge management and developing core competences of clients by education
TIGNL works at enhancing and developing the core competence of clients. Core competencies are those capabilities that are critical to a business achieving competitive advantage.

Core Competencies should change in response to changes in the company’s environment. They are flexible and evolve over time. As a business evolves and adapts to new circumstances and opportunities, so its Core Competencies will have to adapt and change. Companies will grow and become market leaders only if there ability to examine the companies core competencies by identifying, cultivating, and exploiting these competencies continues now and beyond into the future.

3. Board Coaching, Intervision and consultancy

TIGNL offers a comprehensive package of coaching and consultancy services for international clients. The focus is on practically applying theoretical knowledge in a business context. Through scenarios and case studies, theoretical concepts are translated into concrete solutions, supported by targeted exercises.

The development of effective communication strategies is emphasized, with a focus on clear and impactful communication. Feedback on communication styles plays a key role. Additionally, attention is given to leadership and negotiation strategies, managing resistance and change, and improving group dynamics and interpersonal skills.

Sessions evaluate leadership qualities, analyze performance, and discuss strategic goals. Additional skills that may enhance development are also identified. Furthermore, the program focuses on improving communication with both internal and external stakeholders, finding balance in authentic leadership, and maintaining a strong professional network.

The experienced consultants and coaches at Technology Investment Group provide expert, tailored guidance, aligned with the unique needs of companies and organizations. This helps strengthen leadership abilities, optimize performance, and promote sustainable growth and innovation.

Board Coaching, Intervision & Consultancy for International Professionals programs are tailored to the individual professional’s needs and delivered accordingly.

The TIG Services has been inspirated by:
1. The Seven Habits model of management and leadership by Stefan Covey
2. The Fith disciline by Peter Senge
3. Theory of Neuro-Linguistic Programming 
4. Competing for the Future by Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad
5. The Knowledge-Creating Company by Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi
7. ‘Empire”, M. Hardt en A. Negri 
8. Innovation management by Felix Janszen